Monday, March 30, 2015

The Key to Success is Communication

The greatest leaders throughout history were those who were excellent communicators. Great leaders  are able to not only convey their thoughts, their opinions but are able to do so in a way that is relevant to your own values and motivations. By doing so their message is not only heard by the masses but also revered. The ability for a leader to effectively communicate with others is critical in order to be successful in any aspect of life. (
All great leaders share one common trait, they all are great listeners and are able to understand a situation. The best communicators are able to understand their audience, their motivations and concerns. Then using that information are able to deliver their message which would be geared towards that specific audience, in order to make them feel more passionately about the message and by extension the leader. (

Five Communication Techniques used by Great Leaders:

i) Be intimate with your audience: Instead of giving long speeches, you should focus on connecting with your audience. The main thing to remember is you shouldn't be reading a script but rather having a conversation with someone. That way the message feels more authentic and personal, allowing the audience to feel more passionately about your message. (

ii) Be Direct: The point of the message should always be clear, this allows the audience to pay attention more actively and actually be more involved with what you have to say rather than dozing off. Being specific is always better than being ambiguous, being short and simple is far more effective than long and complicated.(

iii) Leave the Audience with Something to Think About: The most skilled communicators aren't only able to adapt to their surroundings but are also able to clearly express their ideas in a way that motivates the audience to action. The key is for the message to touch the heart of the audience and if that is achieved then it is a true success. (

iv) Know your Matter: Not only is it considered unprofessional and lazy to not know your subject matter, but to present it in public while doing so is just unacceptable. Though it is important how you deliver your message, it is equally as important if not more the substance you deliver to be of quality.(

v) Don't be a Dictator: Leaders who are unable to adjust their position or deal with opposition are destined for failure, for if they are not able to understand another's perspective they can never truly succeed. Listening and understanding another's perspective allows individuals to grow and having the ability to have a discussion on the matter allows for both compromise but also enables the individual to improve on their position. (

For more information on how to be an effective communicator, here's a clip

Parting Question:
What are your most important factors in being an effective communicator?

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