Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Be Patient & Listen to What Others Have to Say

The ability to listen to another's point of view is an essential skill to have in order to be an effective communicator. Those who are able to listen and understand the perspective of another, are not only able to gain a different way of looking at things but also are able to grow as individuals. The greatest leaders are proactive, methodical and comprehensive listeners. They are not always eager to speak but to rather understand the other person and address their concerns, which allows for better debates and conversations between two individuals who highly disagree with one another. To truly listen to another person rather than simply talking to them allows for a much deeper bond to form, showing that you are more involved in the conversation and care about what the other person has to say. Great leaders use this technique in order to build strong relationships with those around them, which makes the people around them feel valued and also breeds a sense of loyalty towards them. (Forbes.com)


An individual who exemplifies being a leader who is more than willing to listen to others is Sir Richard Branson. Branson is the ideal example because not only is he willing to listen to his contemporaries, his business philosophy is based upon working with others in order to achieve the highest quality of work possible, which by definition is the purpose of business. (Virgin.com)


Here are his five principles and how they further prove Branson truly believes in collaboration:

i) "If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. You must love what you do" (Richard Branson) - This principle illustrates Branson's understanding of others and his realization in the fact that if you do not truly feel passionate about what you do, then you will not be motivated to produce your highest potential. (Entrepreneur.com)

ii) "Be innovative: Create Something different that will stand out" (Richard Branson) - This principle shows that he believes that innovation is a key factor in order to distinguish yourself and innovation is best achieved when people work together to create the best product possible. (Entrepreneur.com)

iii) "Your employees are your best asset. Happy employees make for happy customers" (Richard Branson) - This principle shows that he acknowledges that the employees who are work for him really are people, and that he does not consider them to be some replaceable asset but rather thinks of them as individuals of meaningful value. (Entrepreneur.com)

iv) " Lead by listening: Get feedback from your staff and customers on a regular basis" (Richard Branson) - This principle exemplifies his willingness to hear the opinions of others and to receive both praise and complaints. In doing so he is able to maintain the positive aspects of his business and work on the negative aspects. (Entrepreneur.com)

v) "Be visible: Market the company and its offers by putting yourself or a senior person in front of the cameras" (Richard Branson) - This principle shows how he is able to think of himself as human being like anyone else, and not above others in any way. For he believes in order for a company to be successful you must be able to put yourselves into the role the customers you are marketing towards, and if you are able to convince yourself that your product is a need rather than a want you have succeeded. (Entrepreneur.com)

If you wish to learn more on how listening is an essential key in becoming a great leader, then check this out

Parting Question: 
How important do you think it is to listen to others in order to better communicate with them?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Know Your Craft

It is an age old discussion between mind over matter, individuals who command detailed knowledge on their field of study are far more effective communicators than those who do not. The individuals who are more experienced with the subject are not only able to deliver clear and articulate messages but are also able to delve far deeper into the subject matter. The comparison i'm trying to make is like if you wished to learn how to play basketball and had the choice between learning from Michael Jordan or Gary, you would choose Michael because he is far more experienced and tested in his craft.

The individuals who exhibit a deep understanding of the subject matter they discuss and provide insightful commentary are the voices of NPR. The various show hosts who host both national and international radio talk shows, in which they invite various guests onto the show all highly qualified individuals to talk about their fields of study. The purpose of NPR is to educate the public and especially those who aren't fortunate enough to go to college or university. They are always prepared to discuss the topic on hand whether it be a recent world issue or scientific theory, they are able to gather qualified individuals to speak on the matter. (Infoplease.com)

If you'd like to learn more on how a mastery over one's craft helps in communication, check this out

Parting Question: 
Do you feel you are able to communicate better if you prepare beforehand or simply just wing it ?

Food for Thought

Leaving your audience astonished and impacted by your speech after they have left is an impressive feat that every leader should strive for. Great leaders not only aim to have their message heard by the masses but for it to resonate within them as well. Exhibiting the ability to touch the lives of audiences and dwell within their minds after they have left the venue is the goal of every effective communicator. When others think about what you said, not only do they remember you as an individual, however you as an established figure for engagement and intellectual interaction.

An individual whom impacted the lives of millions of millennials who would not have otherwise been interested, alongside his knowledge on American politics is Jon Stewart. He is able to provide credible, interesting and meaningful insight on current issues within the United States. Through the platform of the Daily Show mostly known for its political satire, Stewart is not only able to educate his audience but captivate them through his charisma and accurate depiction of the issues plaguing society today. 


A few ways Jon Stewart is able to impact audiences are:

i) Narrative: Jon is able to take serious issues within the world and able to portray them through funny stories or examples which depict the issues for what they truly are, and the role they play in our lives. (Sklatch.net)

ii) Delivers the Essence: Stewart is able to to deliver the meaning of both political and social events in a way which is not only amusing to audiences, but also forces them to think on where they stand on complex issues. He is not only able to simplify complex issues that plague society today but also provides a credible insight into matters by revealing context which the mainstream media seems to forget. (Sklatch.net)

iii) The Treasure Hunt: Jon provides his audience with a foundation of knowledge, so they may be informed on specific matters. The genius of Stewart is that after people realize the true nature of society and the schemes politicians play, they begin to research the issues for themselves and engage in conversation on said matters. That is the true impact of Jon Stewart, it is not his ability to reach millions of people but rather forcing them to think and act on issues which affect society today. (Sklatch.net)

For more information on how Jon Stewart is a cultural icon, watch this 

Parting Question:
Have you ever met or known someone that made you think about what they said after they said it?

Don't Beat Around The Bush, Get to the Point

Having the ability to not give speeches but rather being able to deliver a message early and retaining an audience is a gift. The select few who are able to do so are not only effective communicators but effective leaders as well. It is seen throughout history leaders who merely impose their vision and are unable to touch the hearts of their audience are far less effective than those who are.

.A figure who exemplified the art of being brutally blunt sometimes to a fault was Malcolm X. In his early years he was a man who believed the ends justified the means, and it was only later in life in which he learned that though being direct is essential in delivering messages to the masses, which is far better if done with great care and patience. Malcolm was not only able to inspire others through his fight for equality for African Americans, but his charismatic presence and popularity allowed to change a nation. (remember-them.org)


If you wish to learn more on how to be direct, watch this

Parting Question:
How clearly are you able to communicate what you want in a conversation?

Captivating an Audience: A Guide on How to Keep an Audience Engaged

Captivating an audience is an essential skill all great leaders must possess. Much like a movie the audience must be willing to pay attention to you, and what you have to say. The goal is not to spew your message but to rather deliver it in a way that is interesting and engaging. (inc.com)

The man who embodied the ability to capture the imagination of those around him was Steve Jobs. His ability to draw your attention to him and his message was unparalleled, his presentations were not your regular office meetings but rather an immersive experience in which you felt as an integral piece in building his vision of the future. (inc.com)

Here are a few ways in how he did so:

i) Starting off on a High Note: Jobs began his presentations by amazing his audience with his latest innovation or strategy in how he hoped to change the world. He would unveil new devices or announce exciting news right off the bat to grab his audience's attention and from there on out was able to keep them in a constant state of awe. (inc.com)

ii) Make your Point: Steve Jobs did not beat around the bush at all, he was able to clearly deliver his message and was able to do so in a way that made the audience feel as if they were taking a journey along with him. Though he would make his point early, it was only at the climax of his presentation in which he would reveal the true genius of his latest innovation. (inc.com)

iii)  Interaction is Key: Jobs did not believe in giving long sermons in which half of the audience would lose interest in the first ten minutes. He began his presentations by captivating his audience early and then would take them along on a journey into his vision of the future and would make each member of his audience feel as if they were part of history, rather than an office meeting. (inc.com)


For more information on how Jobs was able to captivate his audiences check this out

Parting Question:
What do you think is the most important trait in order to captivate an audience?

The Key to Success is Communication

The greatest leaders throughout history were those who were excellent communicators. Great leaders  are able to not only convey their thoughts, their opinions but are able to do so in a way that is relevant to your own values and motivations. By doing so their message is not only heard by the masses but also revered. The ability for a leader to effectively communicate with others is critical in order to be successful in any aspect of life. (Forbes.com)
All great leaders share one common trait, they all are great listeners and are able to understand a situation. The best communicators are able to understand their audience, their motivations and concerns. Then using that information are able to deliver their message which would be geared towards that specific audience, in order to make them feel more passionately about the message and by extension the leader. (Forbes.com)


Five Communication Techniques used by Great Leaders:

i) Be intimate with your audience: Instead of giving long speeches, you should focus on connecting with your audience. The main thing to remember is you shouldn't be reading a script but rather having a conversation with someone. That way the message feels more authentic and personal, allowing the audience to feel more passionately about your message. (Forbes.com)

ii) Be Direct: The point of the message should always be clear, this allows the audience to pay attention more actively and actually be more involved with what you have to say rather than dozing off. Being specific is always better than being ambiguous, being short and simple is far more effective than long and complicated.(Forbes.com)

iii) Leave the Audience with Something to Think About: The most skilled communicators aren't only able to adapt to their surroundings but are also able to clearly express their ideas in a way that motivates the audience to action. The key is for the message to touch the heart of the audience and if that is achieved then it is a true success. (Forbes.com)

iv) Know your Matter: Not only is it considered unprofessional and lazy to not know your subject matter, but to present it in public while doing so is just unacceptable. Though it is important how you deliver your message, it is equally as important if not more the substance you deliver to be of quality.(Forbes.com)

v) Don't be a Dictator: Leaders who are unable to adjust their position or deal with opposition are destined for failure, for if they are not able to understand another's perspective they can never truly succeed. Listening and understanding another's perspective allows individuals to grow and having the ability to have a discussion on the matter allows for both compromise but also enables the individual to improve on their position. (Forbes.com)

For more information on how to be an effective communicator, here's a clip

Parting Question:
What are your most important factors in being an effective communicator?